Covid-19 Vaccine & Religious Exemptions


Personal Letter from Pastor Josh

The last 18 months have been some of the most challenging times to pastor in my lifetime! We have been inundated with so many challenges on all sides, and most of us are exhausted. Melissa and I want you to know that we have been praying for you, our churches, and our leaders for the wisdom of God, supernatural strength, and for the favor of God in everything you do! Likewise, God can not help but reward faithfulness, and I know that He is looking out for you and our churches during these trying times.  

In our desire to assist and equip you with what you need in this season, we want to address what many have enquired about regarding the religious exemptions for the covid-19 vaccinations with the mandates that are starting to trickle in. Open Bible, as an association, does not have a stance for or against vaccines; therefore, as an association, it can not provide a religious exemption (See letter on Vaccine Exemptions dated September 1, 2021- here). As an association, if we addressed every situation that we face or could face, we would not be able to get anything else accomplished. Open Bible has as a core value “A balance of affiliation and freedom, providing accountability without undue control". Consequently, the choice of helping parishioners or those under your spiritual oversight with religious exemptions should be up to the local Open Bible Churches, their pastors, and governing boards. Let me quote from the letter that President Bach wrote in consultation with the new Executive Leadership Team of the Open Bible regarding our times today. 

"The introduction of the coronavirus to the United States also introduced controversy and debate over how to respond as a nation and as states, schools, companies, churches, and individuals. The efficacy of and requirements regarding vaccines draw strong differences of opinion among even friends, families, and members of churches. Open Bible Churches respects and honors the intent of leaders to blunt and stop the elusive COVID virus from spreading. We respect individuals who believe vaccines represent assumption of responsibility to care for and promote life of fellow citizens. We also respect and honor that individuals may have health as well as reasons of personal conscience and convictions for choosing to not vaccinate. " (See the whole letter here- Link

One of the beauties of Open Bible is that we have a myriad of churches, leaders, and cultures that all see things from a different perspective, yet we still work together at carrying out the great commission to see lives changed for Jesus! That is truly what heaven will be like! So, every church, pastor, and governing board needs to decide what is best for them and their parishioners through prayer and consideration regarding these matters. 

Remember, in eternal matters (that which determines our eternal fate), we MUST have unity. In non-eternal matters (not saying that they are not important but do not determine our eternal fate), there should be liberty, but in all things, there needs to be charity (love). Remember, if things are not done in love, the Bible says it is just an irritating noise at best (1 Cor 13:1). 

If a pastor and the church's governing board decide to provide a religious exemption for the covid-19 vaccine, they should not do so haphazardly or with a blanket statement but personally (each persons might look different) and with forethought. The "I don't like it”, or “I don't trust it” are not religious exemptions. A religious exemption is a sincerely held religious belief that can be either theistic or a moral and/or ethical belief as to what is right and wrong, but both are acceptable if they are sincerely held by the person requesting it. That is why this needs to be done on a person-by-person basis. To help, I want to provide an example of what a religious exemption letter might look like. It is important that you do NOT copy and paste this letter but use it as an example of how you might help or write a religious exemption for one of your parishioners or one under your spiritual authority. 

Remember, "We are all seeking to find our way, with God’s help. Christians pray about direction while understanding and, hopefully, respecting that their personal conclusions about vaccines can vary from other believers. We are at a Romans 2:15 juncture, described by the Apostle Paul as when, “God’s law is written in their hearts, for their own conscience and thoughts either accuse them or tell them they are doing right” (NLT)- Randall Bach. So, my prayer is that God would help, guide, and give you favor as you continue to pastor those entrusted to your care as one that must give an account someday.

Pastor Josh Grimes, Regional Executive Director for OBE 

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