Church Discipline

Church Discipline is Biblical but neglected and all but forgotten these days! However, if pastors are unwilling to use Godly Biblical Discipline for God’s flock, we will end up causing more problems than we are trying to cover up!- Pastor Josh


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WORD OF WARNING.... when considering a written policy on church member discipline, be careful on the level of details included in the policy. Why? Because if you are ever sued in a court of law, you could lose the case if you did not follow your own policy to the letter. - Pastor Josh Grimes. 

Open Bible Churches Bylaw Recommendation for Church Member Discipline

Open Bible Churches has included a simple discipline policy in the church bylaw models. This should be sufficient as a policy for the church. However, if you would like to grasp leadership guidelines on church member discipline better, or if you would like to make leadership guidelines on discipline, use the resource link above. Also included below is a link to Executive Pastor Online for another sample guideline on church member discipline.  

Open Bible Churches Bylaw Recommendation for Church Member Discipline-


  1. Purpose – Discipline is a biblical exercise for which God holds the church responsible and accountable. Its design is to preserve Bible standards, protect integrity and anointing, and bring the offender to repentance, redemption, and restoration to God, self, family, and others. (2 Samuel 12:1-14; 1 Corinthians 5; 2 Corinthians 2:3-11; Galatians 6:1-5; James 5:19-20.) In the spirit of Galatians 6:1-2, the church is committed to the healing and restoration of the fallen.

  2. Process – Members found guilty of conduct contrary to Scripture, teaching contrary to the statement of faith, causing conflict among the members, or failure to be in harmony or cooperation with the program of the church, the senior pastor, or these bylaws shall be confronted first by the senior pastor and, if necessary, by the governing board or elders. Members who refuse to repent and receive corrective discipline in the spirit of restoration may be dismissed from membership by the governing board or elders upon recommendation of the senior pastor. Members accused of wrong doing or under discipline forfeit the right to resign from membership. Resignations from membership are possible only by active members not accused of wrong doing and not under discipline. Members who are dismissed from membership shall be notified by mail by the secretary of the church.