Just a few of the benefits of affiliating with Open Bible Churches through Open Bible East

  1. Opportunity- Open Bible provides opportunities to participate in a worldwide movement that was born out of the Azusa Street Revival and dedicated to carrying out the call of God (Great Commission). Each local Open Bible Church comes under the corporate/group 501(c)(3) of the Open Bible Churches which is recognized by the IRS.

  2. Strong Biblical Base- Open Bible is more than a name; the Bible is our foundation and guide. We refuse to waiver from His word. 

  3. Strong Credentialing Process- Ministerial Credential Applicants are thoroughly vetted and interviewed, so they can be trusted. We will assist you and your leaders through the credentialing process. 

  4. Relational-  Open Bible Churches is big enough to have important structures but small enough to be family. Open Bible is a family and is intentionally relational. Each member and pastor is a part of something bigger than their local church, but we still care for and love the individual.  

  5. Our Diversity-  Ethnicity, locations, leadership ideas and style, governance styles, etc... We value each member and leader. We also desire and WANT  influence from younger leaders that think outside of the box. We value input and want to lock arms with one another. We can be versatile in carrying out the mission, but we are iron clad on our purpose and vision. We embrace our diversity but are committed to lock arms together in carrying out the call of God. 

  6. Accountability Without Undue Control- This is a core value of Open Bible Churches... “A balance of affiliation and freedom, providing accountability without undue control" Open Bible does NOT want to run churches from the top, but we are here to assist, for accountability, to empower and help equip, and to help in times of crises. We simply want to come alongside you to help equip and edify you and your church to maintain health and spur vitality and growth! Local churches are self governed and own their own properties. We will even assist you in setting up structures and bylaws that fit your desires and needs. Open Bible provides the necessary oversight to help churches maintain integrity with the local, state, and federal government requirements without trying to control the local church or local vision. In essence, we want to come along aside and assist you in doing local ministry right where you are at more effectively.

  7. Prayer Support- A dedicated team of people are praying for you and your church. We are also available to help lead ministers and churches through crisis. 

  8. Generous Resources For Pastors And Churches- We are committed to helping you stay healthy. Our purpose is to help MAKE DISCIPLES, DEVELOP LEADERS, FOSTER HEALTHY CHURCHES & MINISTERS, PLANT NEW CHURCHES, AND SEND AND SUPPORT MISSIONARIES. We are here to help you! Open Bible East is working to develop a strong mentoring and coaching culture to assist in facilitating the vision God has given you.

  9. Retreats, Camps, And Conferences- We have great regional and district events that help facilitate unity, spiritual maturity, and assists in carrying out your vision!  (Example of some events...Tweens, Teens, Post-High, Women, Men, Minister’s Conferences, Retreats, Pastor’s Wives, etc...) We keep the prices at cost and below in order to invest in you and your church!

  10. There Are Training And Coaching Opportunities Both Local And Regional- We have a world-renowned discipleship program that can bring a "Bible College" to your local church at a very affordable price, INSTE (Institute of Theology by Extension). We also have schools of higher learning available to train your leaders, future pastors, and missionaries.   (Toledo School of Ministry, Discover Ministry School, INSTE Global Bible College, New Hope Christian College, School of Global Leadership, & more). We also have resources, training and coaching for Church Financial Teams & Church Boards. 

  11. Well Established And Growing Global Ministries- Open Bible has well established and flourishing Global Ministries in 48 countries (including the USA & Canada), with opportunities for mission trips, opportunities to join in and serve, and opportunities to support what inspires the vision of your church and people! (Global Missions & MVP)

  12. Church Planting And Church Growth Opportunities- Everything that has life… has offspring and grows! The great commission requires us to expand the Kingdom of God. Therefore, we offer training, coaching, grants, partnerships with mother churches....etc to help churches carry out the great commission. Simply stated… “We want to assist you in carrying out the great commission!” With that, you can have access to individualized church health and church planting consultations. We also provide access for church planter assessments and training. 

  13. Better Together- We understand that we are better together than we could ever be alone. (Ecc 4:9-12, Ps 133:1). In Open Bible East, you do not have to do it alone. We want to stand with you. 

  14. Access To Other Benefits- Pastoral search assistance and interim pastor placement, access to a national chaplaincy program, assistance in salary and benefits assessment (to make sure you and your family are taken care of), and crisis counseling for pastors and ministers... 

  15. Retirement Plan Opportunities- Open Bible has a very beneficial 403(b) retirement plan that provides the opportunity to deduct pre-tax contributions from your salary, tax deferred growth potential, and multiple investment options. Also, under current tax law, those who maintain Open Bible credentials can take qualifying distributions (retirement payments) as Minister’s Housing Allowance (subject to IRS guidelines) which provides great tax benefits.

  16. Relocation Opportunities- Ministry opportunities worldwide...     

These are just a few of the many benefits of affiliation with Open Bible Churches through Open Bible East. We unite with you in prayerfully considering joining the family!